
Hi, I'mSantiago Sánchez

Back/front Developer and System Analist

Download Resume


I'm Colombian, graduated from the University District "Francisco José De Caldas" in Bogotá DC, Colombia as a System's Engineer (Computer's Cience) with emphasis in Software Engineering and Backend Development.

Since I was very young I worked in multiple jobs, standing out because of my high commitment, performance and enthusiasm. Since 2012 I started implementing my career, gaining great experience in order to provide fast solutions and also learning different languages.

  • Name : Santiago A. Sánchez Plazas
  • Address : Cra 7 # 20A 02, Chía, Cundinamarca
  • Email : saspplazas@gmail.com
  • Phone : + 57 318 544 6193
  • Interest : freelance, full-time


Technical Skills

8 years
1 year
4 years
1 year
6 months
8 years
8 years
2 years
8 months
6 months

Database Engine

8 years
3 years
1 year
1 year
2 years
1 year


7 years
6 months
1 year
1 year


  • Mobile App Design
  • 3D Animation
  • CMS
  • Support and Monitoring
  • Web Development
  • MVC Frameworks
  • Software Architecture
  • Augmented Reality Apps


  • Install and Configure
  • Web Usability
  • Dinamic wireframes
  • Superuser Linux, OSX, Windows
  • Bussiness Intelligence
  • Unity and Blender Modeling
  • Middle level manage in Photoshop, Gimp and Adobe Ilustrator


Back / Front Developer and SysAdmin - Induesa P&P

Aug 2013 - Current

Development, support and monitoring of software for technical-mechanical revision of vehicles, in national operation

Back / Front Developer - Therabyte Corp.

Oct 2015 - November 2017

Development, support and monitoring in software for control and treatment in patients used for therapists.

COFOUNDER – Proaplicaciones SAS

Jun 2013 - September 2015

Founding Partner. Developer until September 2015 with multiple projects.

Web Developer – Auditor400

Apr 2011 - Jun 2013

Junior web developer in multiple projects.


Bachelor Degree – "IED José De San Martín"

Feb 2004 - Nov 2008

In Tabio, a little town in the state of Cundanimarca, Colombia.

College – District University "Francsico José De Caldas"

Aug 2010 - Sept 2017

Public university of the capital of Colombia, recognized for its excellent level in engineer careers.

World Big Data Congress – Corferias, Bogotá (MinTIC)

Nov 2016

In the second edition, speakers around the world show your experiences and applications about theme.

Colombia 3.0,4,0,5.0 - Bogotá, MinTIC

2014 - 2019

Annual event that meet hundreds of people involved with various topics of Backend and Frontend, new trends and future management of them.


Web Development

App Development

Software Architecture

System Analyst




  • Great actidude! The most fun man and lover of his job

    Indira Galindez - Project Manager of Induesa P&P

  • My work has been significantly simplified thanks to him :).

    Mike Reina - CEO of Therabyte Corp.

I'm available for freelance or fullstack


  • All
  • Modeling
  • Web
  • Apps

Game AR

Graphic / Apps

Indupack - Central Monitoring and tester for colombian vehicles

Web / Apps



genArchive - Create any documents by templates




Avia Seguros - Buy ensurance online (pets, adult persons, houses and vehicles)

Web / Apps

vCard - CV introducing for bussiness (focus travel agencies)

Web / Apps

Jupiter - Travel Agency Managment

Web / Apps

Induesa - Shift management system

Web / Apps

Interested in working together?


My Tutorials

Bitbucket for kids

Bitbucket is a gui admin for repositories in git or mercurial. I made a video showing their more common functions and uses.


Excel to Mysql with vim

Look a practical tooltip using Vim text editor in a few steps :D


Bottle in 20 minutes

Bottle is a framework for python and mongodb Super practical. I made a simple crude for system posts showing the easiest ways of use.


Bottle in 20 minutes part 2

Bottle is a framework for python and mongodb Super practical. I made a simple crude for system posts showing the easiest types of use.


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